Top Doctor Reveals Medical Secrets
conventional, alternative & complementary
to optimal health & wellness, peak fitness & function, extended youth and longevity... despite your age, or current condition

Dear Friend,

I'm Dr. Bill Stillwell, physician, orthopaedic surgeon, author, educator, advisor, patient advocate and health coach. I'm here to help you to live a healthier, happier & longer life, as you grow stronger, fitter and biologically younger, using the many tactics, tips and techniques that I recommend on this site.

Follow my expert medical tips and get results - FAST!

If you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, in pain and feeling "old;" if you're fed up with docs who never have the time to explain anything to you, or who talk down to you, like you were an idiot; if you're drowning in information on the web, but don't know what's important and what isn't - if you want know what to do, how and when to do it, and you want options ... alternative and complementary... as well as the conventional choices... then you've come to the right place!

Natural Health Options

This online "clinic" is your entrée to the world of natural health, your one-stop resource, with the expert guidance you need and recommendations and measures you can use, right now, to:
• improve your overall condition,

• boost your immune system

• reduce your risk of disease

• combat aging

• reverse your biological "clock" and regain lost youth,

• supercharge your libido

• extend your life by many years
...all in down-to-earth, simple terms and in layman's everyday English.

With methods drawn from across the medical spectrum, from diet tips, premium nutritional supplements, lifestyle changes, functional exercises holistic healing and alternative treatments, to the latest high-tech mainstream medical and surgical treatments, here you'll find all the cutting edge health care information and expert advice you need.

You'll also have access to my decades of medical education and training, surgical expertise and clinical experience, from the comfort of your own home.

You may also sign up for my virtual coaching, with TeleClass programs designed with your needs in mind, to help you with risk reduction and disease prevention, to be the best YOU that you can be.

I believe we should use whatever works and choose the right option for you - not just information, but wisdom - to get you the pain relief you need, the optimal health you deserve and help you attain the health care goals you seek, for the rest of your life.

I am here to help you achieve optimal health and happiness. I want you to "live longer and prosper!"

Save your own life...

You know, my father died suddenly, from a deadly cardiac arrhythmia (abnormal heartbeat), a couple weeks before his 54th birthday. And he had just gotten a "clean bill of health" with a "normal" EKG, only a week before. So far, I've already outlived him by over a decade, with no evidence of clinical heart disease, using the same methods that I can share with you.

If I knew then what I know now, I might have been able to turn things around and save him. My Dad might have still been alive, today. Well, it's too late for him, but not for you. With my advice and all these resources as a foundation, you can live longer, younger, sexier, happier and healthier.

So, please look around, join our FREE email newsletter list (if you haven't already), for health care tips, answers to your questions, stories and funny, wise and witty commentary, on topical events that affect you and yours.

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Dr. Bill Stillwell

Dr. Bill Recommends

Welcome to our online "family." I'm really glad you're here.

Yours for ultimate wellness & optimal health,
Dr. Bill Stillwell Dr. Bill
William Thomas Stillwell, M.D.
President & CEO Dr. Bill's Clinic, Inc.
Chairman Emeritus, Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery,
St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center, Smithtown, NY
Associate Professor of Clinical Orthopaedic Surgery,
SUNY, Stony Brook, NY (1987-2003)
Instructor of Clinical Orthopaedic Surgery.
College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia
University, NYC (1982-1999)

P.S. But be sure to sign up for my FREE daily email blog, full of timely medical tips, cogent advice, entertaining commentary and provocative opinion. We won't always agree, but I will make you think. I respect your privacy and your information will never be sold or given out, without your permission.

What People are Saying...

"What I'm saying is simple: If you're looking for advice on how to get rid of knee pain... permanently; if you're looking for expert advice - you cannot find a finer source of knowledge than Dr. Stillwell. To say "he knows his stuff" would be an insult. The good doctor literally wrote the book on what to do. Get his program and experience the benefits."

Matt Furey
author of Combat Conditioning

Few are the times in life that one comes across a book that actually reveals the cure to a medical problem. But that is exactly what happened when I read the book "How to Avoid Knee Surgery."

Even though, like Dr. Stillwell, I too am a physician, another facet of my life is my time spent as a competitive martial artist. With all the extensive training and competing, like most athletes, my knees really suffer, especially my right knee because of all the kicks I've thrown.

I have tried EVERY pill, cream, brace, and contraption out there with very little relief. In fact, on several occasions I had a good friend of mine, a board certified orthopedic surgeon, evaluate my problems. He finally said I needed the S-word, surgery.....oh boy!

Despite being a surgeon myself, I must say that being on the other end of that conversation made me very uneasy. I was well aware of the risks, including infection, numbness, swelling, etc., etc., etc. To be honest with you, it's the whole "being put to sleep"thing that sort of "freaks me out."

And if that wasn't enough, then my buddy actually told me the odds for successful knee surgery are at best 70% and I would probably have some residual pain. I really did not like those odds.

That's why, when I saw Dr. Stillwell's book, I picked it up immediately. And I must say the book is impressive.

He has taken a complex joint that can have complex problems and explained it such that one doesn't have to be a fellow physician like me to easily understand it.

And he is specific. He addresses every possible type of knee pain, AND he has a very specific approach on how to get rid of it....if you have knee pain, this book is a "no brainer."

It has saved me from going under the knife, and I know it will save countless others from a similar fate.

Dr. Trevor Neal, MD

"Before meeting Dr. Bill, I had lingering knee pain from squats - both with a barbell AND just my bodyweight. I figured the only thing I could do was rest, but every time I tried working out again after a break the knee pain would return. Luckily I met Dr. Bill at a seminar and he convinced me to let him examine my knee, and I'm glad he did. In less than 3 minutes he figured out the problem and gave me a very unusual exercise for strengthening my legs. I thought for sure it would make my knee worse not better. But lo and behold it's been over 3 months and my knee feels great and I'm using heavier weights on it all the time. This doctor definitely knows his stuff."

Nate Rifkin

"I lived with severe knee pain for nearly a year. Dr Stillwell identified the problem within just a few minutes of conversation. He offered several suggestions to relieve the pain as well as giving me solid advice on what steps to take to address the problem permanently. Rarely have I had the pleasure of conversing with a medical professional so knowledgeable and caring."

Penny Thomas

As a rheumatologist, I needed my "A team" for referrals. I trusted him multiple times personally as well- to operate on and care for my father, and to operate on my own knee several times. He never let me down as regards his technical skills, and as important, as regards his relationships with patients. Bill's talents and skills as a surgeon equaled any in Manhattan, and over time, his remarkable reputation grew.

A surgeon with decades of experience to supplement his natural talents and skills, with a quality so important in a surgeon, but not always there - instilling confidence in patients not only in his skills, but in his caring for them as people outside the arena of the operating room.

Max I Hamburger, MD
President, New York State Rheumatology Society
President, American Society of Clinical Rheumatologists
Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, SUNY Stony Brook
Smithtown, NY

Dear Dr. Stillwell,

I cannot begin to tell you the number of times that I reflect upon you with a smile on my face and a glow of joy in my heart. Without your skill and caring I could not dance with the passion that I do to to all the great rhythms that life has to offer.


Rob Delaney
Amityville, NY

You worked hard twenty-six years ago to repair my wife's compound fractured leg. She could always depend upon you to answer all of her questions and make her comfortable with caring words, medication or arthroscopic evaluation. Your medical expertise was always what was new in the field of orthopaedic medicine.

Very Sincerely,

Richard and Adrienne Giannadeo

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