Stay 1,000 miles away from the Operating Room

WARNING: Don't Even Think About Knee Surgery Until You Read This!

Master Orthopaedic Surgeon who helped 90% of his patients avoid surgery reveals "Insider Secrets" that will eliminate your pain and help you get your life back....

Dear Friend,

If you have knee pain and are worried, concerned, or afraid of the possibility of surgery, then this letter may be the most welcome news you have ever read.

Whether you've injured your knee playing sports, smashed it in a car accident, or bashed it while working, you have pain, swelling and disability. If you're like most people, the last thing on earth you want is surgery.

And this is totally understandable.

Hi. My name is Dr. Bill Stillwell and I'm a renowned orthopaedic surgeon, with outstanding academic credentials and a wealth of clinical experience with knee problems, just like yours. More about me, later.

But first, let's focus on you and your knee pain.

Most likely, you've heard the horror stories about knee surgery. You may also know someone who had surgery and their knee was never the same. And you don't want the next unnecessary and preventable surgery story to be about you. I can relate. So, you put off going to the doctor, hoping that it'll just go away....

But the chances are excellent that ignoring the pain and the problem hasn't led to anything positive. In fact, your knee may be getting worse and now, your worry has become an obsession. You may have tried getting information on the internet about the best course of action for you to take, but there's so much conflicting advice that you're scratching your head about who you can believe and trust. If you ask your friends, you may have found that every one of them has a different opinion, even if he's unqualified to render one. So what are you to do? Who can you trust? Who can really help you?
Dr. Bill Stillwell
William Thomas Stillwell, M.D.

Well, if the people you've consulted have a track record of better than 90%, then I think you'd be wise to consult with them. If they can beat MY track record, then go to them! If your friends and family have advised thousands of patients, and kept 90% of the people who are in chronic pain out of surgery, why then, they're THE MAN, not me. But based on my experience with the public at large, that's unlikely to happen.

The Hip & Knee Specialist Who Helped 90% of His Patients AVOID Surgery

For nearly a quarter century, I was THE Hip & Knee Specialist on Long Island, New York, a master surgeon with an exclusive practice, specializing in medical & surgical problems of the hip & knee. I also served as Chairman of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Medical Director of Physical Therapy at St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center in Smithtown, New York, Associate Professor of Clinical Orthopaedic Surgery at the State University of New York at Stony Brook and Instructor of Clinical Orthopaedic Surgery at the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Columbia University.

I am a board certified, fellowship trained orthopaedic surgeon, a Fellow of multiple professional and scientific societies, and a published author and illustrator of textbooks for the profession, as well as numerous academic and scientific articles. I taught and lectured extensively, both here and internationally, to fellow orthopaedists, general surgeons, rheumatologists, other physicians, nurses, residents and medical students, as well as physical therapists and the lay public.

My patients came from far and wide, other cities, other states and even other countries, for state-of-the-art orthopaedic care, with the warm and personal touch that was the hallmark of my practice.

My greatest strength was educating my patients about their medical conditions in down-to-earth English and layman's terms, so they fully understood exactly what was happening to them, and why.

And although I was known for truly excellent surgical technique, I was also known for operating on less than ten per cent of the patients referred to me.

That means I was able to treat more than 90% of my referrals with conservative measures, that avoided surgery.

Why, as a surgeon, would I do that?

Because I believed, then and now, that the very best surgeons avoid operating, unless it is absolutely necessary. As you can imagine, there are times that you simply must have surgery, times when nothing else will do.

But up to 90% of cases where surgery is recommended may be unnecessary. This means you are well-advised to try all the other scientifically proven options,. first. I know all of them and I'll teach them to you, with the hope that you'll be part of that 90%, too.

I do this, not only because I'm an enlightened surgeon, but also because I was a patient, myself. I had arthroscopic surgery on my left knee, for a painful torn medial meniscus and found that I had significant arthritis, too. It's pretty likely that I have the very same thing in my other knee, as well. But I've been able to treat myself with the proven conservative methods that I teach in my book, HOW TO AVOID KNEE SURGERY -- and these methods have worked for me and thousands of my patients--I know what you're going through first hand and I know what can be done to improve your condition, without surgery.

Who better than a former surgeon and patient to reveal all the insider secrets of avoiding knee surgery?

In my new layman's guide, HOW TO AVOID KNEE SURGERY, I reveal all the available diagnostic and non-surgical secrets from across the entire spectrum of treatments: mainstream medical, alternative and complementary, as well as my own selected and specially modified healing programs.

In this guide, I believe you'll find a method that works for you; one that will relieve your pain and restore your function...without "going under the knife."

Let me tell you about some successful case histories of patients I have treated...

Case History #1: The Mail Carrier

My mailman is actually a mailwoman, who told me she'd been having swelling and pain in her knee for years, without relief. She couldn't afford to go to the doctor, and was trying to live with the pain. But it was getting worse much worse. I gave her a very simple program to follow, that I teach in How To Avoid Knee Surgery, and today, after only a few weeks, for the first time in two years, she's pain-free...and living life to the fullest, without surgery.

Case History #2: The Soccer Mom

A nice 38 year old woman, referred to my office by her family physician, had intractable knee pain. Both she and her doctor believed she'd need surgery. She had already tried the medications he prescribed, but continued to have severe pain. But by following my integrated approach, with the advice I gave her and the special programs described in my book, she went on to complete pain relief...without surgery. She and her doctor were amazed, but she was typical of the cases I've been able to help.

Case History #3: The CEO

A 64 year old CEO, who runs a nation-wide security company, had been told by every doctor he'd seen that he needed a knee replacement. His x- rays showed that he had no cartilage left the joint was bone-on-bone. He really did need the surgery. The problem was, he had no time to spare and was terrified of surgery, besides. He wanted to avoid it as long as possible. By using a combination of mainstream and alternative techniques, as I describe in this book, I was able to buy him nearly a decade...without surgery.

Case History #4: The Teenage Football Player

A single Mom brought her teenage son to me for pain and giving way of his knee. He was a football player, without any history of real injury. X-rays of his knee revealed a bony nodule that threatened to break free from his femur, causing irreparable damage. Though many would have operated on him, I treated him with simple mainstream conservative principles, revealed in this book, that relieved his pain, allowed him to heal, and return to his sport...without surgery.

Case History#5: The Navy Seal/Superbowl Champion

A former Navy Seal, who was also a pro linebacker for the Jets and a genuine Superbowl champion, was not only my patient, but he trusted me with his son, who had a painful lump in front of his knee. He was afraid that he'd need surgery, to heal. But with my regimen, taught in How To Avoid Surgery, he was back in action in just a few weeks and, you guessed it...without surgery.

The results of these five cases are typical of what I expect and you can expect them, too, provided it's not an emergency situation.

Even If You Don't Need Surgery, You DO need Treatment...

At this point, you might be thinking, hey, I know now that I probably don't need surgery, so if I just ignore it, I'll be fine. Let me assure you that that is probably not the case. In fact, if you do that, you are far more likely to have continued pain, because you've ignored your problem. Even if you don't need surgery, you DO need treatment.

The odds of you getting better, without following one of the programs I teach in HOW TO AVOID KNEE SURGERY, is practically nil. If you don't do something to help yourself, by following one of my healing programs, then by default, you'll likely end up on a surgeon's table. This is powerful, life-changing information. Get your own copy of HOW TO AVOID KNEE SURGERY by clicking on the link below, NOW!

What People are Saying...

" What I'm saying is simple: If you're looking for advice on how to get rid of knee pain... permanently; if you're looking for expert advice - you cannot find a finer source of knowledge than Dr. Stillwell. To say "he knows his stuff" would be an insult. The good doctor literally wrote the book on what to do. Get his program and experience the benefits."

Matt Furey
author of Combat Conditioning

Few are the times in life that one comes across a book that actually reveals the cure to a medical problem. But that is exactly what happened when I read the book "How to Avoid Knee Surgery."

Even though, like Dr. Stillwell, I too am a physician, another facet of my life is my time spent as a competitive martial artist. With all the extensive training and competing, like most athletes, my knees really suffer, especially my right knee because of all the kicks I've thrown.

I have tried EVERY pill, cream, brace, and contraption out there with very little relief. In fact, on several occasions I had a good friend of mine, a board certified orthopedic surgeon, evaluate my problems. He finally said I needed the S-word, surgery.....oh boy!

Despite being a surgeon myself, I must say that being on the other end of that conversation made me very uneasy. I was well aware of the risks, including infection, numbness, swelling, etc., etc., etc. To be honest with you, it's the whole "being put to sleep"thing that sort of "freaks me out."

And if that wasn't enough, then my buddy actually told me the odds for successful knee surgery are at best 70% and I would probably have some residual pain. I really did not like those odds.

That's why, when I saw Dr. Stillwell's book, I picked it up immediately. And I must say the book is impressive.

He has taken a complex joint that can have complex problems and explained it such that one doesn't have to be a fellow physician like me to easily understand it.

And he is specific. He addresses every possible type of knee pain, AND he has a very specific approach on how to get rid of it....if you have knee pain, this book is a "no brainer."

It has saved me from going under the knife, and I know it will save countless others from a similar fate.

Dr. Trevor Neal, MD

"Before meeting Dr. Bill, I had lingering knee pain from squats - both with a barbell AND just my bodyweight. I figured the only thing I could do was rest, but every time I tried working out again after a break the knee pain would return. Luckily I met Dr. Bill at a seminar and he convinced me to let him examine my knee, and I'm glad he did. In less than 3 minutes he figured out the problem and gave me a very unusual exercise for strengthening my legs. I thought for sure it would make my knee worse not better. But lo and behold it's been over 3 months and my knee feels great and I'm using heavier weights on it all the time. This doctor definitely knows his stuff."

Nate Rifkin

"I lived with severe knee pain for nearly a year. Dr Stillwell identified the problem within just a few minutes of conversation. He offered several suggestions to relieve the pain as well as giving me solid advice on what steps to take to address the problem permanently. Rarely have I had the pleasure of conversing with a medical professional so knowledgeable and caring."

Penny Thomas

As a rheumatologist, I needed my "A team" for referrals. I trusted him multiple times personally as well- to operate on and care for my father, and to operate on my own knee several times. He never let me down as regards his technical skills, and as important, as regards his relationships with patients. Bill's talents and skills as a surgeon equaled any in Manhattan, and over time, his remarkable reputation grew.

A surgeon with decades of experience to supplement his natural talents and skills, with a quality so important in a surgeon, but not always there - instilling confidence in patients not only in his skills, but in his caring for them as people outside the arena of the operating room.

Max I Hamburger, MD
President, New York State Rheumatology Society
President, American Society of Clinical Rheumatologists
Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, SUNY Stony Brook
Smithtown, NY

Dear Dr. Stillwell,

I cannot begin to tell you the number of times that I reflect upon you with a smile on my face and a glow of joy in my heart. Without your skill and caring I could not dance with the passion that I do to to all the great rhythms that life has to offer.


Rob Delaney
Amityville, NY

You worked hard twenty-six years ago to repair my wife's compound fractured leg. She could always depend upon you to answer all of her questions and make her comfortable with caring words, medication or arthroscopic evaluation. Your medical expertise was always what was new in the field of orthopaedic medicine.

Very Sincerely,

Richard and Adrienne Giannadeo

Behind The "White Wall Of Secrecy"

HOW TO AVOID SURGERY is the only book of its kind available today. I've shattered the "white wall of secrecy" and revealed what only a few physicians and surgeons know. I've put all I've learned in my years of clinical practice into this book. It's all there, the distilled experience and wisdom of many thousands of patient contacts, in nearly a quarter century of clinical practice -- everything you need to stop your pain, heal your knee and stay out of the Operating Room.


5 surprisingly simple ways to restore function to your knee that you never learned when you studied anatomy.

• Are you mentally creating your own knee pain? Stunning scientific answer revealed....

What's the number one thing you can do to insure you can avoid knee surgery? The surprising answer inside....

• Five failproof tips to get your doctor to treat you like a V.I.P.

Are your daily activities actually causing your knee to throb with pain? Amazingly simple changes will help you get your life back.

• 7 simple changes in your daily routine you'd never suspect can get rid of your knee pain for good.

The single most important food you MUST avoid to relieve your pain....

• Use Nature's secret ingredients to heal your knees without surgery.

4 major things you should NEVER do if you want to stay pain-free and out of the Operating Room.

• Secrets of the Asian martial arts masters that harness the vital healing force locked inside you.

How your own body may be pushing you into the O.R....and how you can stop it, cold. Amazing results from simple measures....

• 3 simple tools that anyone can use to keep you away from knee surgery.

Save a fortune, using "Drug Store Cures," you can buy for pennies.

• Protect yourself from the dark side of expensive prescription drugs, which you should avoid at all costs.

What simple secret is the FDA hiding from you? Veterinarians know this can cut your healing time in half.

• Do magnets really help to relieve knee pain? Scientific studies reveal the amazing answer....

The best secret "cure" for knee pain that you've never heard of.

• Could a barnyard bird really help you "tame" your arthritis pain? And it's NOT chicken cartilage....

Cutting edge "cures of the future" the government is currently blocking...see what they are and what these high tech miracles will do for you....

• Exercises you should NEVER do when you have knee pain.

Airplane dangers--what you don't know about flying that could be dangerous to your health....

And much, much more....

For Less Than The Cost of Designer Coffee...

Look, for less than the price of a cup of designer coffee every day for a month...for less than a third of what a private consultation with me would cost you, you can finally get rid of your knee pain--once and for all--without surgery!

And What's Your Time Worth To You?

Think you can't afford this course? Think about all the expenses of knee surgery, which can range from $10,000.00 for arthroscopic procedures, up to $30,000.00, or more, for total knee replacement. This would include fees for the surgeon, his assistant, the hospital room, the O.R. and O.R. Staff, the Anesthesiologist, the Internist, any consultants for other medical problems, lab work, x-rays, physical therapy, you name it--the costs are staggering. Even if your insurance picks up all of it (which very few do these days), what about your time off work? And what about the months of postop rehabilitation? What's your time worth to you?

What About Surgical Complications or Errors?

Besides the costs, what about the risk of surgical complications, or medical errors, or infection, scarring, limited motion, or persistent pain? If it's really necessary to have surgery, sure, you have to run these risks. But if it isn't absolutely necessary, avoiding all of this by following the healing programs in my book, HOW TO AVOID KNEE SURGERY is just a no brainer!

So, don't keep suffering with knee pain one minute longer. Let me help you to help yourself -- get rid of that pain and get back in action FAST, with my scientifically tested, clinically proven, evidence-based insider secrets for avoiding knee surgery and keep out of the operating room. Don't delay -- Get your copy of HOW TO AVOID KNEE SURGERY right now, put an end to your knee pain for good, and be more functional than you've been in years... without surgery.

What's This Course Really Worth?

Now, if I were to price this course according to the years of study and practice that went into it, the cost would be a burden very few people could bear. What went into this book easily cost me six figures to learn. And that is being very, very conservative with the numbers. But I'm not going to charge you $100K for this course. Nor one thousand dollars. I'm not even going to charge you $500 - when that price is very justifiable. Especially when you consider that this information will help keep you out of the surgeon's office and out of pain.

Truth is, I have this course so reasonably priced my accountant thinks I've gone mad. What is the price? It is as follows: For the next 24 hours you can get this course for the ridiculously low amount of $97.97 plus S&H.;

But I can only keep the price this low for the first 199 people who step up to the plate and say, "Yes, I want to be pain free. I want to avoid surgery."

If you're one of those people, then you know what to do. Place your order NOW and live free of pain and surgery forever."

Yours for a pain-free tomorrow,

Dr. Bill

P.S. Included, at no extra charge, the Special Report: HOW TO ELIMINATE HIP PAIN, when you order NOW


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