These Simple Knee Pain Exercises Will Work For Virtually Anyone!
How to Eliminate Knee Pain, FAST -
Within 30 Days, or Less
A top knee specialist's secrets revealed - easy and effective exercises to prevent or eliminate knee pain and avoid knee surgery
Dear Friend,
If you've been suffering from knee pain and you've found it increasingly difficult to do the things you love to do, including sleep, then this letter may be the answer to your prayers.
Because you're about to discover the amazing knee pain relief program that I've been teaching for many years. Like most people suffering from chronic knee pain, when you came to this site, your first question was probably, "Does this program really work?"
Believe me, I understand. If I were in your place, I would ask
the very same question.
Yes, I have a solution for you, and yes, it does work.
Ever Felt Like There Was Nothing You Could Do?
Well, STOP! There IS something you can do.
There IS a way to eliminate knee pain, within 30 days, or less.
Yes, there is a simple, fast and immediately effective way that doesn't require medicine, or surgery. It's one that isn't very expensive and requires little of your time.
How can I be so certain this will work?
Simple. You see, I've lived in pain, too. I know only too well, from both sides of the operating table, what it's like to have knee pain.
I'm Dr. Bill Stillwell, a highly credentialed, board certified orthopaedic surgeon, top knee specialist and the author of health and fitness related books, CD's and DVD's. In my career, I have helped thousands of people, from around the world, to eliminate their chronic knee pain... And I'm also a knee pain patient.
The Knee Pain Specialist
For well over two decades, I had an elite private practice on Long Island. I was Chairman of Orthopaedic Surgery and Medical Director of Physical Therapy at St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center, in Smithtown.
I was Associate Professor of Clinical Orthopaedic Surgery at the State University of New York at Stony Brook and Instructor of Clinical Orthopaedic Surgery at the College of Physicians & Surgeons, of Columbia University.
But at the peak of my very successful career, a freak accident at home fractured my spine, injured my knees and my ankle. I could've been killed, or paralyzed and I'm not complaining. Even though these injuries did eventually end my surgical career.
My left knee pain failed to improve with standard conservative treatments and I ultimately needed arthroscopic surgery, for a torn medial meniscus. I did pretty well, once I recovered. But it was painful, disabling and time consuming.
Then, my other knee began to act up. But this time, I decided to try another plan of treatment, one designed to...
Avoid Knee Surgery
When I applied the strategic exercises I now teach in my PAIN-FREE PROGRAM to my own right knee, I was able to eliminate that pain... and this time, without knee surgery.
So, you see, I really DO understand what you're going through:
Perhaps your knees hurt when you bend them, maybe even at rest, and it's agony to climb stairs, kneel, or get up from a chair or toilet. Maybe it's painful to run, jump, or even walk. You might even be sidelined from your favorite sports and feeling old, before your time.
Or maybe your knees crunch like a gravel pit, with every step, or give way without warning, making you live in fear of falling....
Well, if you have any of these issues, then I have great news for you! And that is this -
You don't have to suffer any more. You don't have to have your entire life revolve around your knee pain, or live another day in fear, disability and misery.
You CAN end your knee pain, for good
Strengthening the muscles and tendons of the knee in a strategic, systematic and proven way, the dynamics of the joint are altered, healing energy flows into the knee. Then... the pain just resolves and your problem goes away.
Forget Devices, Forget Medicine, Forget Surgery
With my PAIN-FREE PROGRAM, you can end your pain and get your life back! Up until now, I've only been able to help my own patients, since I was treating them in person.
But I saw such a need for a knee pain recovery program that truly works, that I decided to create this step-by-step DVD program, that reveals my proven secrets to anyone who needs a very simple, inexpensive and immediate remedy.
Here's What You Will Learn in My New Healing Program:
• The simple exercise that supercharges your lung power, as it strengthens your knees.
• My personal favorite exercise for rapid relief of knee pain.
• How to strengthen just ONE single muscle, that can relieve over 50% of knee pain, all by itself.
• How to breathe while strengthening your knees, for rapid healing and pain relief.
• The ancient Chinese exercise that eliminates knee pain...while it makes steel cables of your thighs.
• Which muscles must be trained, why and how, after an ACL injury.
• The best knee exercises for arthritis pain relief.
• How and why you must stretch your muscles and tendons.
• Easy ways to help you bend a stiff knee and regain full flexion.
• Specific tips to fully straighten a stiff, bent knee. It's easy when you do this...
• What to do if you've already had knee surgery. It's NOT too late.
• How to keep from falling, when your knee gives out.
• How to prevent kneecap pain...and how to eliminate it, if you already have it.
• How to heal ligament injuries...and how to prevent them.
• How to stop knee swelling and get rid of water on the knee.
• When to use weights, or machines ...and when and why NOT to.
• The secret method of IMMEDIATE pain relief that permits you to exercise your muscles.
• And much, much more....
So - Are You Finally Ready To STOP Your Pain...
And START Your Recovery, NOW?
The exact same techniques that healed my own knee pain and that of countless patients I've helped, in just a matter of days, can now be yours. If you're finally ready to take charge of your life and rid yourself of knee pain for good, then click the secure link below and order my program, now. And let the healing begin...
Best wishes,

William Thomas Stillwell, M.D.
P.S. Order NOW and I'll send you my bonus CD The Healing Power of Positive Pain Perception absolutely FREE!.
P.P.S. Dr. Bill's Little Green Book for Eliminating Knee Pain is the perfect companion to this exercise program. Order NOW and you can still get it for the deeply discounted, introductory, pre- publication price!